Be Resolute In Your Goals, But Flexible In Your Tactics.


- Determined in character, action or ideas

Karate and Kickboxing is great for learning discipline, self-defense, whilst training will improve an individual's timing, awareness and their mobility. You will benefit from increased confidence, self-esteem and self control.


Karate is great for children teaching them a variety of styles which will help them mentally, as they retain the sequences of moves taught. Karate will improve their social skills and develop their individual characters. Although discipline and focus is extremely important, it is also about engaging their attention in a fun but organised atmosphere while teaching them techniques, honor, fitness, mental alertness and how to interact with each other respectfully. All great character builders.

As you progress through the belts at Resolute Martial Arts you will also be taught weapons (Kobudo) and the art of breaking (Tameshiwari).


Resolute Kickboxing is a great fitness class to focus your skills on, using the energy to reduce any stress or anxiety you may be feeling. While participating in the class you will also expect to experience a full body cardio workout plus the brain will engage to quicker reflexes as it responds to fast reactions to kicks and punches and the need to memorise combinations.

At Resolute Martial Arts you can chose to progress through belts to Black Belt and compete, if you wish or just for general fitness and meet new friends. Whatever your Goal we are here to help you reach it.

Seminars & Competitions

At Resolute Martial Arts, you will have the opportunity to attend seminars.This is where our students will be able to learn in new surroundings and progress in their creativity of martial arts.

We also have the option for students to enter competitions. You can choose to compete in a variety of activities and showcase your ability. Competitions are held for both Karate and Kickboxing.

Although we feel competition is a great way to put your skills to practice, we understand not everyone would like to compete, so therefore there is no pressure to do this.